Contact us when your ready

Contact info for your Family

Eli and Lilly this is Grammy Shirleys contact information. When you are older and want to find your Daddy’s family just call these numbers or email us and we will come to you.

Grammys info: 
Hm ph 242 698-0010 cell 242 427-5413 Canada #902-892-6024.
Box # SS 6993 
19B Anchorage Palm Cay Nassau Bahamas
Or in Canada 
23 Retamary drive Cornwall PEI  Canada C0A 1H4

Aunt Tanya Sims info:
 Hm ph# 902-626-3851 cell 902-316-3132
58 Primroses drive 
Cornwall PEI Canada C0A 1H4

Write your message here. Fill out the form:


Latest comments

17.01 | 14:46

We miss your dad so much, it’s been 5 months since he left us. if only we could see you both, it might help with the hurt. I pray you’re both doing well.

27.08 | 10:20

Dear Eli and Lilly, I’m so sad. Your dad had a heart attack and passed away on August 17th at 9.30pm.He died of a broken heart because he could not be with you.

07.09 | 10:47

Dear Eli and Lilly
It’s been a while since I’ve written you, I pray everyday that you both remain safe during this dreadful pandemic. I miss and pray for you.

07.02 | 13:25

Hello Eli and Lilly, it’s been a long time since I wrote you, it’s getting harder for me to accept that I may never see you again and it hurts so much. Love you